Compare lists and show similar entries


Insert a list (Do not insert a whole table with more than one column, only one column from a table!)

Comparision list

Insert another list (Do not insert a whole table with more than one column, only one column from a table!)

Strings to ignore (in both lists)

Chars to ignore (in both lists)

Maximum of changed chars (Levenshtein distance)

Start computation (may take a while)



Similar entries that exist in both lists:

About Reconcile App

This reconcilation app is unhosted so you can download or save it and use it offline.

It respects your privacy so it wont send your data to a server or a cloud.

It is free Software (GPL) written in HTML5 and Javascript (JS).

Computation is powered by Levenshtein algorithm in JSLab Standard Library.

Design is powerd by CSS in Zurb Foundation.

Copyleft 2014 by Markus Mandalka.


How to compare spredsheets?

Its possible to compare a (single) column of a spredshead with a (single) columns of another spredsheat.

Just copy and paste both columns into the app and compare them:

If you want to compare more than one column of each spredsheet or table, you have to use more complex tools like Spredsheet Deduper.


Running time

Running time depends mainly on the count of entries (on both sides: the count of lines of each list is a factor) and the CPU and only a little bit on RAM (only if to feew because swapping needed):

If you want only exact matches (if you know there are no typos in your data and every char will be the same), set the field maximum changed chars (maximum Levenshtein distance) to 0 and if possible delete the entries in strings to ignore, so the calculation will be much faster.


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